Our Policies



It is the intention of this company to provide a workplace that is fair and equitable for all employees, and where all individuals and groups will be treated with respect and dignity. We recognise that any distinction, exclusion or preference which has the effect of nullifying or impairing equality of opportunity or treatment in employment or occupation constitutes an offence under the Australian Human Rights Commission Act and, in certain circumstances, the Work Health and Safety Act.    


We will strive to ensure that no person is discriminated against on any of the grounds listed in this policy in regards to employment within the company, and ensure that this policy will also extend to persons providing or wishing to provide goods or services to the company. 


We will adopt procedures to ensure that no person in discriminated against (either directly or indirectly) on the following grounds under the Australian Human Rights Commission Act: 

  • Age 
  • Disability (including intellectual, physical or psychiatric) whether actual or perceived, and either present or past
  • Marital status
  • Race, colour, nationality or ethnicity 
  • Sex, sexuality, sexual preference or pregnancy. 

We will ensure that no person is subjected to discriminatory, coercive or misleading conduct in relation to any rights, duties or powers under the Work Health and Safety Act. 

All workers are required to: 

  • Assist and cooperate in ensuring that all provisions of this policy is followed, and 
  • Actively participate in the adherence of this company to the achievement of the aims and objectives of this policy. 



This company believes that a diverse workforce that is aware of each other’s cultural differences can be very successful. Allowing the expression and appreciation of all employees’ cultures will not only promote synergy but can also bring a wider range of experiences and skills to the forefront, and bring significant benefits to all in a workplace that accepts and celebrates cultural diversity. 


We recognise that there are many ways in which people are unique and different, and workplace diversity can include nationality, religion and ethnicity. All of these can lend unique viewpoints to the way people interact with each other and their work. We will promote diversity and equality by allowing all employees to express their personal opinions when appropriate in a non-threatening and receptive environment. 


Managers and team leaders will be made aware of cultural differences of new employees that may create issues in their employment. The company will identify potential problems that may arise due to misunderstandings, unintentional offence or faux pas, and etiquette. They will also be responsible for promoting cultural literacy and awareness in the workplace. 

Managers and team leaders should encourage workers to share their cultural disparities in order to promote individuality and an understanding of where certain behaviours may come from. Additionally, managers and team leaders will be encouraged to assist in educating employees of all cultures in the various aspects of each culture to promote empathy and inclusivity. 

Employees will be encouraged to integrate persons of diverse cultures into the workplace in a way that treats them with dignity and respect. All workers will be encouraged to assist persons of different cultures to interact with each other, and to assist persons who may require assistance to adapt and integrate into the workforce. 

Any person found to be in breach of this policy or acting in a manner that is demeaning, insulting or offensive to a person of a different culture will be provided with education and counselling in effective communication and interaction with such persons. Persons who repeatedly or deliberately indulge in offensive behaviour will be subject to counselling and discipline under company anti-discrimination procedures. 



As part of our commitment to achieving the principles of responsible environmental management, sustainability and protection of the natural environment, we recognise our moral and legal responsibility to minimise our environmental footprint, and to ensure that our activities, products and services do not place the natural environment or the local community at risk of harm. 


We are committed to environmental sustainability and prevention of pollution. We will achieve this by working with our customers, suppliers and the community to adopt procedures that – 

  • take significant environmental aspects and impacts into account throughout our operations 
  • use energy and natural resources wisely and efficiently, eliminate and minimise waste, and re-use and recycle where practicable 
  • reduce polluting substances produced by our operations, activities, products or services 
  • minimise the impact of our operations on the neighbouring community 
  • increase the use of environmentally acceptable materials, equipment and technology in place of those which are considered harmful 
  • ensure that our suppliers follow acceptable environmental policies, and 
  • actively promote environmental awareness among workers, clients, customers and the general public. 


We recognise that the overall responsibility for environmental sustainability rests with management, who will be accountable for the implementation of this policy.  These responsibilities include – 

  • ensuring that all environmental policies and procedures are implemented; 
  • establishing measurable objectives and targets to ensure continued improvement aimed at the elimination of waste, pollution and environmental harm;  
  • encouraging consultation and co-operation between management, workers and stakeholders in matters which may affect or impact on the environment; and 
  • providing adequate resources to meet these environmental commitments. 

Workers also have responsibilities, which include – 

  • following all environmental policies and procedures; and 
  • recognising and reporting hazards which may affect the health and well-being of the environment. 



It is the intention of this company to provide a workplace that is fair and equitable for all workers, and where all individuals and groups will be treated with respect and equality. We recognise that any distinction, exclusion or preference which has the effect of nullifying or impairing equality of opportunity or treatment in employment or occupation constitutes an offence under the Australian Human Rights Commission Act. 


We will strive to ensure that no person is discriminated against on any of the grounds listed in this policy in regards to equality of opportunity in employment within the company, and that this policy will also extend to persons providing or wishing to provide goods or services to the company. 


We, as a company, will adopt procedures to ensure that equality of opportunity is extended to all persons regardless of the following grounds: 

  • Age 
  • Disability (including intellectual, physical or psychiatric) whether actual or perceived, and either present or past 
  • Marital status 
  • Race, colour, nationality or ethnicity 
  • Sex, sexuality, sexual preference or pregnancy. 

Workers are expected to: 

  • Assist and cooperate in ensuring that this policy is followed, and
  • Actively participate in the adherence of this company to the achievement of the aims and objectives of this policy. 



In reflecting the utmost importance that we attach to ensuring a workplace environment characterised by respectful relationships and gender equity, we are committed to providing support and assistance to employees who experience family or domestic violence. 


We recognise that employees who experience domesticor family violence may need additional support to recover, settle,organise children, and attend doctor’s appointments, courtappointments and related activities. Leave may be grantedfor the purposes of seeking medical and legal assistance, forcounselling, relocation or other directly related activities. 

In knowing that family or domestic violence (FDV) can affect employees in different ways, we are committed to providing a safe and supportive working environment by: 

  • raising awareness about FDV and the support offered by the company to those affected, (including details of agencies that can provide assistance to persons affected by FDV), 
  • training key personnel and employees to recognise when a person in the workplace might be affected by FDV, and the appropriate course of action to follow, 
  • taking prompt and appropriate action if there is any indication that a person in the workplace is being subjected to FDV while at work,  
  • guaranteeing strict confidentiality of any information relating to FDV disclosed to a company manager or supervisor, 
  • offering assistance for employees who are experiencing FDV-related problems 
  • considering requests for flexible working arrangements or special leave to assist and employee to respond to FDV-related issues affecting them. 


Workers are to submit any request for flexible working arrangements or leave due to FDV to their manager or a relevant HR staff member, together with evidence that would reasonably support the need for the arrangements or leave.   

Managers and supervisors are to maintain strict confidentiality of any FDV-related information that they may become privy to, and to keep all information secure and confidential. All material will be either destroyed or returned to the person when no longer required. 




The company respects and supports the protection human rights as set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the principles of the UN Global Compact in relation to the rights of workers.   To achieve the implementation of these principles, we will strive to go beyond legal compliance in respecting and supporting the human rights of all stakeholders, and will seek to meet the principles of the Global Compact in all of our operations. 


We will at all times respect and support human rights, and will seek to work with third parties who support our approach and standards.  We will: 

  • comply with applicable legislation that supports human rights wherever we operate 
  • provide a fair, safe and healthy working environment for our employees and workers, and that is free from unlawful discrimination, harassment, bullying or victimisation 
  • not tolerate or support the use of child labour, or forced or compulsory labour n our operations and to the extent practicable, in the operations of our suppliers 
  • respect and support the rights of employees to establish, join or not join trade unions or other organisations, and we will recognise any local rights in collective bargaining 
  • commit to being an inclusive employer by promoting and valuing diversity within our workforce, and among our customers and suppliers, and in the community in which we operate 
  • respect our customers’ privacy and protect their personal information 
  • care about the way our suppliers do business and will work with them to meet our expectations in the areas of labour and human rights, as well as in health and safety, environment, ethical dealings and supply chain diversity 
  • not tolerate bribery and corruption in any form. 


We expect that all employees and contractors will comply with the context and spirit of this policy, and failure to comply may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment or engagement for serious breaches.   

Employees, workers, clients and customers, suppliers and service providers are expected to commit to and support the aims and objectives of this policy, and to cooperate with the company in the achievement of those aims and objectives. Any behaviour suspected of being inconsistent with this policy (such as unethical, illegal or improper behaviour) should be reported immediately. Persons making such reports will be protected under the terms of whistleblower protections. 




This company is committed to ensuring that people who work for us can live their lives free from mental illness by minimising risks to mental health and maximising the prospects of full recovery for those who experience poor mental health as a result of work, and to provide support and accommodation for those who are recovering from a mental illness that is not work-related. To achieve this, we will  

  • embed mental health and safety risk management processes into workplace health and safety management systems to ensure that both physical and mental health and safety are supported, and 
  • develop a culture, skills and environment that empowers workers to raise and better recognise mental health issues in order to assist themselves and their colleagues. 


We will provide and maintain, so far as is reasonably practicable, a safe and healthy work environment in our workplaces that extends to the psychological and psychosocial health, safety and well-being of all persons who work for the company in any capacity. 

We will adopt an integrated approach to mental health and well-being by: 

  • promoting positive mental health by developing positive aspects of work and worker strengths and capacities through proactive programmes and positive leadership
  • protecting mental health by reducing work-related risk factors, and 
  • addressing mental health injury or illness by providing pathways to appropriate support, promoting recovery and return to work. 


We will ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that workers, employees and other people are not exposed to risks to their psychosocial health and safety arising from the company’s business or undertakings.

Officers of the company must exercise due diligence to ensure that the company complies with its health and safety duties and obligations in relation to mental health. This includes taking reasonable steps to gain an understanding of the psychosocial hazards and risks associated with the operations of the company, and to ensure that the company has and uses appropriate resources and processes to eliminate or minimise risks to psychological health.

Workers and employees must take reasonable care for their own health and safety and to not adversely affect the health and safety of other persons, and comply with any reasonable instruction or policy given by the company to enable it to comply with its mental health duties under the relevant Act. 




The company recognises the importance of protecting human rights and is committed to protecting the rights of all people (including its employees, the communities in which the company operates, those who may be impacted by its activities, and those within its supply chains) by opposing all forms of slavery and forced labour in its operations and the operations of its suppliers.  

We recognise that modern slavery can occur in many forms, and are committed to operating responsibly and establishing and adhering to the highest ethical standards by not tolerating any forms of slavery or human trafficking in our business operations and supply chains. 


The company supports the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, and place a high priority on supporting the goal of decent work and economic growth while working towards the eradication of modern slavery, and we require our consultants, agents, contractors and suppliers to support the company in the achievement of the aims and objectives of this policy. 

We are fully committed to ensuring that robust frameworks and processes are in place to minimise the risk of the many forms of modern slavery, including servitude, human trafficking, forced labour, (including forced marriages), debt bondage, child labour, and deceptive recruiting for labour or services.


Senior management is to provide oversight and work collaboratively with suppliers to ensure that the expectations and standards of the company are understood and that potential exposure to human rights risks is minimised. 

Consultants, agents, contractors and suppliers are expected to support the company in the achievement of the aims and objectives of this policy, and to comply with the company’s policies and standards on human rights, ethical business practices, safety and environment. 

Staff and workers have a responsibility to ensure that goods and services supplied and provided to the company are sourced from suppliers and service providers who hold the same values and principles in relation to promotion of human rights and the eradication of modern slavery, and to raise any issues or suspicions of non-compliance with company management for determination. 




We support and respect the protection of international human rights within the sphere of our influence, and ensure that we are not complicit in human rights abuses. We will strive to continually improve the ways in which we promote, communicate and manage social accountability with our employees, customers, suppliers and the community at large, and encourage all suppliers and contractors to comply with the same standards. 


We will implement the principles of social accountability through the promotion of a positive culture with respect to the continuous improvement of working conditions in order to manage our operations in a way that complies with all relevant employment legislation, we will support the implementation of SA8000 throughout our operations. In keeping with sound business practice, we will continuously identify, assess, manage and improve the elements of our operations that impact on social accountability. 


All levels of management are responsible for the implementation of all requirements of this Policy within the company. We expect that suppliers will also be in full compliance with all applicable national laws and regulations, industry minimum standards, ILO and UN Conventions where these are consistent with national law, and/or any other statutory requirements. This will require all parties to: 

  • Prevent the use of child labour as defined by ILO and UN Conventions or national law 
  • Prevent the use of forced or compulsory labour (including prison labour)
  • Provide a safe and healthy work environment at all sites and facilities 
  • Respect the rights of workers to form and join trade unions of their choice, and to collective bargaining 
  • Prohibit any discrimination based on race, colour, age, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, disability, union membership or political affiliation 
  • Prohibit physical abuse, harassment, bullying, mental or physical coercion and verbal abuse or threats 
  • Treat all people with dignity and respect, with zero tolerance of corporal punishment or harsh or inhumane treatment 
  • Comply with applicable national laws, industry standards and conventions regarding working hours 
  • Ensure that all workers are paid wages and benefits that meet or exceed minimum legal requirements 
  • Integrate requirements of this policy and SA8000 into their management systems and practices. 

Should you wish to receive a copy of a policy, please call or get in touch via our contact page.